Program List

The number of (the)data : 1
  • Comedy

  • Comedy


There are so many "secrets and lies" circling around the earth today. A woman is petrified by her grandfather's advice to have many secrets and keep them like a treasure. A man relies on the fact that he has no destination, and heads south on a bike. Meanwhile, a boy is in trouble because his friend told him that he likes his sister. The boy doesn't have a sister. A young man recalls a strange experience he had with his father, who has now disappeared. Then a young boy who is working part-time discovers an incident that took place in a country across the sea. This is a random collection of small stories. Will the collection of small stories eventually lead to an unexpectedly moving finale? It might make your tomorrow more exciting.

寄せ集められた小さな話の数々。やがてまさかの感動のフィナーレへと突き進んでいく⁉ なんだかわからないけど、あなたの明日がちょっと楽しくなるかも。